
Posts Tagged ‘poetry jam’

You know when you look up into the clouds and you can see a thousand different things that are constantly hifting and creating new things? Well this is sort of the same thing, but rather than being made of condensed water vapor, this cloud is made of words. This  word cloud was created by Wordle. The site takes the most popular words in your blog or on your Website (or you can just type in a bunch of words you like) and creates cool little word clouds (listen here for more info). 

So anyway, I gave Wordle a try and made this cloud for the blog. As I followed the words, they started to make little poems, like the sort you’d make with magnetic poetry. Let’s ignore grammar and punctuation for a moment… (I can feel English teachers everywhere cringe at the thought).

Here are some of my favorites:

Kid decided know little else looked maybe graduate

Tried going venue bad neon

Maybe roommate dresses behind hysteria

Never right school write story

Found artist think much get life

Two mother actual older adult just home

Summer inside rip around parents tonight

Already telling right school write story

Fight fact never dumb

Decide yes almost wearing love

Leave a comment with your favorite; maybe you can see something I didn’t. If you’re having trouble reading the words, you can click the image to enlarge it. By the way, I didn’t want to mention this, but if you read this and don’t comment, a unicorn will die.

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